Electronic registration database close to completion

For some time now, SHM has been working hard behind the scenes to develop a new registration database for the anonymous registration of HIV-infected patients in the Netherlands. Very soon, a hospital’s HIV treatment team will be able to register a patient using the SHM’s registration website. This new, fully digitalised system is designed to meet modern-day requirements. It goes without saying that all information will be stored securely and transferred in an encoded form.

The database is currently being extensively tested and, where necessary, final adjustments are being made. Once the test version has been fine-tuned and approved, existing data will be transferred to the new system and the new database will be activated.

What does the hospital need to do to use the new database?

To initiate the electronic registration process, the coordinating physician at the HIV treatment centre must provide SHM with a list of those individuals at the hospital who are authorised to register patients with SHM. SHM will then issue all authorised individuals with a personal account that allows access to the registration application. The treatment team can then start using the registration application to register new patients. For security reasons, registration will only be possible through hospital computers. 

What are the benefits of the new database?

The new database meets today’s requirements for electronic registration; having to fax through new and discontinued registrations will become a thing of the past.  Similarly, SHM’s registration staff will no longer have to manually enter information received by fax.


If everything goes to plan, the new registration database will be in full operation in a few months and, after many years of trusty service, the old database will become obsolete. 

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Stichting HIV Monitoring

Stichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) makes an essential contribution to healthcare for HIV-positive people in the Netherlands. Working with all recognised HIV treatment centres in the Netherlands, SHM systematically collects coded medical data from all registered HIV patients. SHM uses these data to produce centre-specific reports that allow HIV treatment centres to optimise their patient care and obtain formal certification. SHM’s data also form the basis for the yearly HIV monitoring report and are used in HIV-related research in the Netherlands and internationally. The outcome of SHM’s research provides tangible input into HIV care and prevention polices in the Netherlands.

© Stichting HIV Monitoring